Sunday, December 4, 2011

On Blogging

I always thought I would want a blog. It seemed like something I would want to do, be decent at doing.

Writing this blog as a class assignment, however, makes me less certain. Unfortunately, I've probably confirmed what I was afraid of before ever beginning: that I wouldn't have enough to say. Coming up with topics and content is a challenge, week after week, so I can't imagine making the comittment to do so day after day. Maybe if I had a dedicated topic and audience, I would feel differently.

Some of my favorite writers and bloggers and I am happy to read what they write, consisently, day after day. Yet, writing this blog makes me more understanding about the occasions they do not post. Sometimes, a few days go by without any updates and I think "Really? You're trying to supplement your living with this blog, but you don't have time to keep it up regularly? You don't even work outside the home." I can now comprehend more the many ways that life can get in the way.

Writing in this blog on the class's discussion forums has, I suppose, provoked a kind of personal reflection. I've come to the conclusion that every person has challenges and issues and external factors that prevent him or her from doing what seems, at least externally, like something easy to achieve. Although the assignment hasn't been easy, I'm glad to have had this opportunity and would not have been likely to otherwise really try it, being, after all far too busy for my own good.

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